We sat down with Stephanie Bream, Founder of SunDust Comestics to talk about her Bio Glitter SPF50+ Sunscreen and other exciting products!

Australia is blessed with abundant sunshine and a climate that promotes a love of the outdoors. But it is common knowledge that too much sun is harmful, especially for those with fair skin. Minors are particularly vulnerable to the dangers posed by direct sunlight, yet they often loathe putting on sunscreen.

This was the problem facing British mother of three, Stephanie Bream, when she settled in Kalamunda, Perth, with her Australian husband and daughters. Stephanie is well acquainted with staying protected from the sun, and her story of how she invented a sunscreen that kids actually like applying is a fascinating one.

Growing up in the mountains of Wales, Stephanie always loved the outdoor life. When she was a young teen, she discovered downhill skiing and proved a natural. When just 14 years old, she represented Great Britain at the Youth Olympics and was due to participate in the Vancouver Olympics in 2010 but lacked the necessary funds. Being fair-skinned and outdoors a lot, however, soon taught her the lifelong lesson of the importance of a decent SPF50+ sunscreen.

Seeking a life outdoors, Stephanie studied geology and found herself employed by mining industries around the world, including the sun-scorched Western Australian outback. It was while working in Africa that she met her Australian husband. They travelled widely but with two children and a third imminent, they returned to Australia and settled in Kalamunda. It was then she switched her focus from job to family.


For Stephanie, with a background in mining, safety is always of high importance. Having three children under six in a sunny climate meant a lot of sunscreen. Kids under 18 are especially at risk of skin cancer but don’t like applying protective creams. It was then that she had her epiphany. She mixed Christmas glitter with sunscreen, and her children loved it. So much so that when the glitter started to fade, they happily applied more. However, the solution posed a new problem – microplastics.

Stephanie is passionate about the environment and wanted to find plastic-free glitter while also raising awareness of ecological problems. After some research, she found a source for plastic-free bio-glitter that, once mixed with SPF50+, continued to delight her kids when out in the sun. Stephanie had now found a way to persuade her three daughters to enjoy applying sunscreen and she wanted to share this with others. A new mission had begun.

After a considerable amount of research, development and consumer testing, she finally created the perfect product. SunDust Cosmetics was founded in 2020 and now produces a bio-glitter sunscreen that is plastic-free, fragrance-free and contains no parabens.

The product isn’t just environmentally friendly and fun for kids. It is also incredibly effective. Being safety-conscious, especially as it is primarily for minors, SunDust has produced a broad-spectrum sunscreen, rated SPF50+. It is certified in Australia and is approved and regulated by the strict standards set by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

The climate in Western Australia is glorious, and anything that can make fun in the sun even more enjoyable can only be good. Stephanie Bream initially just wanted to make something that was fun, protected her children, and was environmentally safe. In doing so, she stumbled on a solution that has been incredibly successful in encouraging kids to stay protected while outside. The story so far has been one of local success, but the story has just begun.

Discover the fun and eco-friendly sunscreen from SunDust Cosmetics on stand 4010 at Life Instyle Melbourne, 28-31 July 2022 at the Royal Exhibition Building. Registration is now open.